Move over "Stiff Drink" How cannabis is changing the way we relax - for the better.

Heather shares a few helpful hints on how the right cannabis products are changing the ways we 'take the edge off" for the better. 

Relax…sounds simple enough, but in reality, it doesn’t seem like most people are relaxed these days.   After more than two years of adapting our lives at every turn, I thought the return to ‘normal’ would be an easy transition. Turns out it’s not.  We are getting it from all sides; gas and groceries are crazy expensive, if you were hoping to travel this year it seems that is a huge challenge, the job market is weird and interest rates are high. 

Tough times, call for a stiff drink. Right?

Well, that’s one way of taking the edge off. But there is a better way. While cannabis can’t solve pandemics (actually maybe it can) or lower interest rates - it is safe, doesn’t give you a hangover or make you 'fighty', and encouraging research supports what already know - Cannabis makes you feel super chill. 

We all need to relax a little.  Find some peace, find some zen, laugh a little or a lot, and get back to a happier place - and chill. And as a bit of a chill master - here are my top five tips on how to relax with cannabis.  

cannabis infused bath bomb

Bath Time

So, now that I have decided we all need to relax, I suppose I should offer up some suggestions. My first suggestion for total relaxation is a bath. If you haven’t tried a cannabis infused bath bomb or bath salts I would highly recommend it. The first time I tried it honestly I didn’t expect it to do anything for me, but I was so relaxed after I just laid in bed and had a great sleep after. We have a couple of three pack bath bomb options in stock right now that I would definitely suggest. The Noon & Night Bath Fizz Collection and the Stewart Farms Holiday Peace Pack will both have you relaxing in no time.

Have you heard of CBG?

Now if you are looking for something to relax on your day off, let's talk CBG. While it is available in a smokable format, I would highly recommend you try this one as an edible. The first time I tried it, my body was soooooooooooooo relaxed and it put me in the best mood. The husband and I were watching a movie and I had the giggles and just felt great. I tried the Spinach Feelz Soft Chews but my staff say the Wyld Pear CBG Soft Chews are also fantastic. It was so mood-elevating while keeping me so relaxed at the same time.  Such a different feeling than most cannabis products.  If you would rather smoke, the Hycycle Move CBG Vape Cartridge is the ticket.  The customer reviews on this one are fantastic.

 Time for a JOINT!

Now, the quickest way to relax is the good old joint. Always ready to go, but what strain should we find for relaxation? I talked a lot about Terpenes in a previous blog post and this is the key to finding the right joint for the job. High THC will get you high quick, but sometimes the crash is not as much fun. I like to tread a little lighter and shop that right terpene. Something with a mood elevator like Limonene plus a mellow terpene like Linalool or Myrcene is a nice mix. Something like Golden Ghost OG  from Wagner’s would be a great choice and also the added bonus of being on our new Value Menu so you get some great weed for a great price.

Now, about that Stiff Drink?

I think that has been a normal thing for a lot of people for a long time. I know my parents were a strong whiskey after a long day. I am a bit more of a nice glass of wine after a long day, but more and more lately I am leaning towards the cannabis beverage instead. A nice mellow after a busy day of "momming" and managing is just what I need on a hot day. It's a great thirst quencher too. There are lots of flavor options these days so there is something for everyone.  For me right now I am loving the Tweed Grapefruit 2.5mg and the new sugar free options from XMG Alt.  As a diabetic I don’t get to have a lot of the fun stuff, but with zero carbs, these are a winner!   

flavoured cannabis beverages

Speaking of Value Menu:

One of the biggest causes of stress these days seems to be the cost of everything. I don’t know about you, but putting gas in the car alone is cutting into my fun budget. We at Moderna can totally appreciate that so we have launched a new Value Menu as well as lowering prices on all of our dried flower.   We will do what we can to help you navigate the current recession.   Add to that some great new offers on our Loyalty program and you and your wallet will be much happier.  PSSSSt….if you are in the Loyalty program, check your Points balance on the App and look for some bonus coupons for the rest of July.

So whether you are a smoker, a drinker or an edibles consumer, or even a nonconsumer, we have something for everyone to relax after a long day, a long week, or two super long years!  Pop on in and let one of my staff help you pick out the perfect product to help you relax.


The cannabis industry is still just a baby
