Fall has Arrived!

It is my favorite time of the year!  As a woman ‘of a certain age’ the summer heat is almost unbearable.  I welcome these cool frosty mornings and the beautiful fall colours.  The drive over the river each morning this time of year puts a smile on my face, which is not easy to do in the morning…..Have I mentioned I am very much not a morning person?  I require a pot of coffee most mornings to get myself moving.

Aside from gorgeous changing leaves and crisp air, Autumn also brings new products that are perfect for the season, including infused cups-o-jo and decadent caramels. My position offers me a pretty amazing opportunity to try all the treats (lucky me!) but let me tell you, this time around, it was nearly impossible to pick favorites! 

Here are some of my must-have recommendations for Autumn that you’ll absolutely fall for :)

Day off Coffee?

So during the week I enjoy delicious fresh coffee from my local coffee roastery, but my Sunday routine is about to get an upgrade.  Emprise has a new line of drink options that are perfect for me.   Their new pourover coffee option is fantastic and available in a THC or a CBD option.   I tried it recently for the first time, and as a coffee snob, I was quite impressed.   Great flavor and no cannabis aftertaste.


Afternoon Delight?

This weekend I might even kick up my routine with something special.  Once upon a time I owned a cafe/coffee shop and my favorite afternoon treat was an Affogato.  If you have never had one, it is a scoop of ice cream with an espresso shot run over it and a little caramel drizzle.   The minute we received the new Alice Caramel Infused Drizzle this week, I was planning my sunday.   With 10mg of THC per packet, this should be the perfect amount for me and hubby to have a little treat on the deck in the sunshine.


With so many edibles on the market, there is always something fun to nibble on but these new Drizzles also have me thinking of Ice Cream Sundae.  My hubby has a sweet spot and loves ice cream.   On wednesday evening we made ice cream sundaes with Alice infused chocolate and caramel drizzles and then for the win I froze and shaved on top the Bernard’s Cannabis creations Peanut butter cups!  I’d like to take credit for that idea, but the rep told me that is what he and his wife like to do with them.   Honestly why have I never thought to do that with even a regular peanut butter cup!

Cannabis Dessert

Not a coffee drinker?

So apparently there are people who don’t drink coffee?  Not sure how they manage to get through the day, but we have something for them too.   Emprise also has some new Hot chocolate options in THC and CBD.   This would also be another perfect marriage for the Drizzles with a little whip cream and drizzle on top.  Also perfectly paired with a snuggle on the couch in front of the fireplace on a cool fall evening.

It is so great to have so many fabulous options in edibles right now.   Relaxing with a decadent treat on your day off or at the end of a long day is just what is needed these days.  

If you are someone who a 10mg edible just isn’t quite enough for you, stay tuned in October!  There might be something special coming for you too!




The cannabis industry is still just a baby