Marijuana for Moms?

Now is the time of year when we take extra time to appreciate the moms in our lives. Moderna sees all kinds of families and moms. Some grown-up children shop with their moms or for their moms, while others, like me, are still trying to persuade their mothers to try something… anything!!


My mom grew up in the age of bell bottoms, disco and woodstock but she’s never tried cannabis.  I think we carry a lot of products that she would enjoy, but I still haven’t managed to convince her… yet!  Apart from bath bombs.  Last Christmas, I decided to start her off nice and easy with something she could soak in rather than toke in.  She works hard, very hard, and she deserves to relax.  The last couple of years have been a challenge to say the least. She works in the gardening industry and it has exploded since 2020.  What she needs is a nice relaxing bath to let go of the daily stress and tired muscles. 


Marijuana for Moms

While we may not be smoking joints together anytime soon, cannabis has come a very long way and there really is something for everyone nowadays.  Since Christmas, we have a rather nice arrangement. I visit her and bring her an assortment of bath bombs to soothe achy joints, and she helps me pick out everything I need to grow my cannabis plants at home.  Maybe, one day I will convince her to try some CBD gummies….you never know. Baby steps! 

I am a Mom too.  I have two teenagers, ages 15 and 16.  We are navigating all things teenager at my house these days and it isn’t always easy.   I struggle to sleep well and have new stresses and concerns on the regular.  I am tired after long days of work and want to be present and functional but at the same time I need to relax and be mellow to be a good parent. 


My daily routine consists of a CBD soft chew to keep me feeling well overall, a night time CBN soft chew to help me “turn off the brain” before bed and something fun in the evenings with the husband to also keep up being a good partner too :) Although, as a cautionary tale, make sure the teenagers don’t need help with their Trigonometry before you partake in some evening fun…I speak from experience!   


Marijuana for Moms

I was a late bloomer when it comes to cannabis and consumed for the first time when I was 42.  It really has changed my life in so many ways and paved a path for a new career at the same time.


So, next time you spend time with your Mom, I hope you can share in some cannabis products.  Maybe try something new together or come in and shop together.  You might learn some interesting things about mom from when she was young too.   I love seeing multigenerational shopping - releasing the stigma of what was taboo for so long and opening the conversation and the possibilities of what cannabis can offer all of us.


So Marijuana for Moms? Most certainly. Moms come in all sorts of types, ages and persuasions and likewise - there is a cannabis product suitable for everyone.  And while I’m sure your mother told you to try something new a few times in life, now is your time to return the favour. They may just thank you for it.


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